What Would Your Dream Resume Say?

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Would you recognize your Dream Job and Dream Company if you saw them? Do you know what they look like? To help you think through these tough questions, I’m going to provide a list of potential ideas (from a PM’s perspective, of course). Consider these with care and begin creating your own list. It may take some time, but be patient; it will pay off. Oh, by the way, only YOU can create this list. Sure, you can ask for help, but ultimately, you have to decide what it is you dream about. So, what would your Dream Resume say? Here is a starting point for Project Managers.

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Do Project Managers Add Value?

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Hello Readers, Friends, and PM Aficionados, I recently contributed to a Discussion on LinkedIn and wanted to share that response.

The following is a response to the LinkedIn User Group Discussion “Do we need Project Managers? Do they add value? Yes/No. Why?”, Barbara Nowak-Rowe (Certified Project, Program & Portfolio Managers).

To use, or not to use PM. That is a choice for executives. Let’s consider the opportunity costs.

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Develop Project Charter: Things to Consider

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The following are things to consider when initiating a new project for your organization.

The Shortened Version is:

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Paint a clear picture of the project using 1-2 paragraphs, including a Problem and Solution (Answer) Statement.

PRODUCT OBJECTIVES: Think of the project broken into its largest pieces.  Then, define what is to be delivered in 3-5 statements. Ensure these statements are “SMART”: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMART_objective)

MEASURES OF SUCCESS: When will the project team ‘know’ when the project is complete?  Is there a specific “Measuring Stick”, or “Litmus Test” you would suggest for this project?  Convey details about deliverables that must happen in order to say they’re complete.

PROJECT RESOURCES: At minimum, list the Key Stakeholders, Budgets, and Timeframe, as well as, any other expectations regarding resources.

RISKS AND ASSUMPTIONS: At minimum, list the project priorities, as well as, anything that may impact/limit the project’s success.

For a more thorough walk-through of the Charter, consider the following: 

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Selling The Value of Project Management

2010/01/27 1 comment

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During workforce reductions, corporate leaders must think carefully about which skilled workers they ‘give away’. As budgets tighten, it’s easy to assume that reducing certain functions makes the most sense and will help align the organization with forced spending reductions. However, there are select staff in each firm that are KEY to a firm’s success, no matter what the objectives might be; and, those key staff are PMs. Letting project managers slip away means discarding a scarce, valued resource with the skills and ability to ‘watch over’ company investments and enable the achievement of core objectives.

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From Chaos to Stability: Managing Project Roadblocks and Performance Issues

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How many times have YOU been caught with your PMBOK down when it comes to getting and staying in front of project problems? Are you managing the firm’s investments (projects) with the greatest of care on behalf of the key stakeholders? Are you prepared for those “tough” questions from the customer or sponsor? If you’re like me, you’ve had a few stumbles in front of the boss (and the bosses boss). You’re likely familiar with that dreaded, stomach-sinking feeling of having to say, “I don’t know”, when asked why a project is outside of its performance thresholds. Well, fear no longer. Read on and learn from my mistakes!

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Why I Love Project Management…

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As a first post to this blog, I wanted to share why I love Project Management–and I plan to keep it simple too. I want to leave plenty of room for all of your thoughts.

I love PM because it is a user-friendly, yet highly robust Framework, and the application of the tools and techniques are useful through all areas of life. I “literally” use project management for EVERYTHING (I won’t tell you what my fiance and friends think about that, tho). Consequently, using it often keeps me sharp and makes me tremendously adaptable. But, I knew going into it, that it was a solid framework.

What I never expected was the value proposition. PM forces you to focus on the importance of balancing Excellence versus Execution. Moreover, PM urges you to consider (with great care) what’s most important to each individual stakeholder. Some firm-level examples might be:

  • Delivering a superior customer experience
  • Providing maximum shareholder wealth
  • Challenging teams of employees to develop to their fullest abilities

The world would like to hear why YOU love Project Management. Please share that with us.